tirsdag den 18. oktober 2005


Mandag var jeg ude at løbe igen. Det blev til ½ time i jævnt tempo og benene har det fint her dagen efter. Sidste uge løb jeg tilsvarende + svømmede 2 dage.

1 kommentar:

  1. Dear Blogger,

    I recently launched a blog articles site exclusively for bloggers ... built entirely from articles submitted by bloggers.

    We all know that the best content on the web is produced by bloggers ... unbiased first hand knowledge, experiences and opinions. Nothing to sell and no hidden agendas!

    As a seeker of information or article content, you have access to this vast source of interesting and informative articles. As a contributor, you get the recognition of having your article published and seen by thousands of web users. The pride and satisfaction of seeing your article published in a prestige directory is hard to beat.

    Not all of us are gifted with the ability to write to professional standards of grammatical correctness ... as a result, many bloggers don't bother to have their articles published.

    We welcome an informal style of writing that matches your personality and fits in with your article content. We welcome articles that are uniquely based on your personal knowledge, experiences and opinions. All we ask is that your articles do not contain vulgar language, incite hatred or generally offensive.

    All this is absolutely free ... please come over and have a look at our blog articles directory for yourself.

    Best Regards
